
01/09/2018 — 27/06/2022

PhD in Condensed Matter Physics

Université Grenoble Alpes (France)

01/09/2016 — 31/08/2018

MSc in Materials Engineering

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)

01/09/2012 — 31/08/2016

BSc in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Universtat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Work experience

01/05/2023 — present

Research scientist

Silicon Quantum Computing (Sydney, Australia)

⟩ Automatize the characterization workflow of single-donor quantum devices

⟩ Explore novel qubit architectures for a scalable quantum computer

Identify bottlenecks and provide first-hand feedbacks to software, hardware and cleanroom experts

01/11/2017 — 30/04/2023

Researcher in Condensed Matter Physics

Institut Néel CNRS (Grenoble, France)

⟩ Demonstrated two-electron quantum interference at a single-particle level: an essential building block for electron flying qubits

⟩ Developed the first pulse compression technique for acoustic phonons (GHz range)

⟩ Increased nanofabrication yield above 90% of semiconductor GaAs nanodevices (30 nm patterns) in clean room facilities

⟩ Integrated Arbitrary Waveform Generators (20 GHz bandwidth) to a real-time acquisition setup (FPGA, DAC, ADC) with picosecond synchronization

⟩ Developed Python-based drivers for AWGs (Tektronix and Keysight), sourcemeters (Keithley) and real-time/sampling oscilloscopes (LeCroy)

⟩ Upgraded a cryogenic dilution refrigerator (20 mK) for highly reliable electrical stability during thermal cycling

CAD nanocircuit design automatization (GDSII + Python)

Organized monthly scientific seminars for a broad audience

06/10/2020 — 06/12/2020

Visiting researcher

nextnano GmbH (Munich, Germany)

⟩ Created the project nextnanopy: an open-source and user-friendly Python package to interface the company’s simulation software

⟩ Developed a quantitative 3D electrostatic model for GaAs heterostructure

Benchmarked the model with 110 nanodevices

01/06/2017 — 31/08/2017

Research intern

IMDEA Materiales (Madrid, Spain)

⟩ Internship report: “GPU-accelerated conjugate gradient for variational approach in computational homogenization”

Awarded with “Research initiation fellowship” grant

GPU programming with Python (PyCUDA), resulting in a 3x faster conjugate gradient algorithm

01/05/2016 — 06/07/2016

Research intern

Universtät zu KölnCOPT (Cologne, Germany)

⟩ Internship report: “Investigations on the influence of NIR laser treatment on P3HT:PCBM films”

⟩ Investigation of organic solar cell surface treatments with high-power laser

Fabrication in a glovebox environment

Characterization with AFM, UV-VIS spectrometer and X-ray diffraction


Electron qubits surfing on acoustic waves: review of recent progress

On-demand single-electron source via single-cycle acoustic pulses

S.O., J.W. et al., Physical Review Applied (2024)

Coulomb-mediated antibunching of an electron pair surfing on sound

J.W. et al., Nature Nanotechnology (2023) — Highlight in Nature News & Views

Generation of a single-cycle acoustic pulse: A scalable solution for transport in single-electron circuits

J.W., S.O., H.E. et al., Physical Review X 12, 031035 (2022) — Highlight in Physics

Semiconductor-based electron flying qubits: Review on recent progress accelerated by numerical modelling

Unveiling the charge distribution of a GaAs-based nanoelectronic device: A large experimental data-set approach

In-flight distribution of an electron within a surface acoustic wave

H.E., J.W. et al., Applied Physics Letters 119, 114004 (2021) — Editor’s pick

Sound-driven single-electron transfer in a circuit of coupled quantum rails

S.T., H.E., H.L., J.W. et al., Nature Communications 10, 4557 (2019)



⟩ English (fluent) — TOEFL iBT score: 110/120

⟩ Spanish (native)

⟩ Chinese (native)

⟩ French (basic)

Open-source projects

nextnanopy  a Python package to interface the nextnano software

idtpy — a Python package for the design of interdigital transducers for SAW devices

pystruments — a Python package for instrument drivers

qube — a Python package built on top of QCoDeS with additional user-friendly features